In its “Women, Business and the Law 2023” ranking on economic parity, the World Bank gave Gabon a score of 95, making it one of the countries in Africa with the greatest potential for economic development for women.
Eramet has a historic presence in Gabon through its two subsidiaries: Comilog, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary this year, and Setrag, which has held the concession for the Transgabonese railway since 2005.
As a major player in the Gabonese economy, the Group is committed to contributing to the country’s development, with a particular focus on the socio-economic development of women.
Our actions…
For female entrepreneurship
As part of the partnership signed with Women in Africa alongside the Gabonese government, Eramet launched “Femmes d’avenir” (Women of the future) last year, the first women’s business acceleration program in Gabon.
A total of 130 Gabonese women SMEs will be supported through training, mentoring and financing assistance over a three-year period (2022-2025). The first 30 selected companies are currently being mentored, and the recruitment of the second class of 50 women’s companies is underway.
The extension of the Women of the Future program to Senegal is planned for 2024.
For the inclusion of women in the digital professions
In an effort to promote the feminization of digital professions in Gabon, Eramet and Comilog are carrying out numerous actions aimed at including women in this traditionally male field.
In 2021, the Journée de la Femme Digitale (JFD), sponsored by Comilog, was set up in Libreville. Thanks to this networking and training space dedicated to women, 500 Gabonese women have been trained in digital professions in 2 years, and 5 start-ups have been created by women.

Each year, the Margarets Prize, organized by JFD, rewards women entrepreneurs in Europe and Africa, whose projects and innovations respond to the major challenges of our society. Last year, Ariane Akeret, won the award for her mobile payment solution, CA PAY, which received dedicated support and funding from Comilog.
Comilog is also behind the Fab Lab, an incubator in Moanda that introduces people to digital tools and the digital environment. It has 12 women out of 22 students. Every year for the past three years, the company has organized an ICT Women’s Day, which aims to awaken an interest in digital professions among young girls in the town’s secondary schools.
For the education of girls in local communities
Locally, scholarships, mentoring, apprenticeships and internships are set up to train the Gabonese women of tomorrow.
Through its contribution program, Eramet is providing specific support for the education of young girls in Africa. In 2023, 500 young people, 50% of whom are girls, will receive assistance (scholarships, mentoring, apprenticeships and internships).
For women’s health
Every year for the past three years, for the Pink Month, an international highlight in the fight against breast and cervical cancer, Comilog and Setrag have been mobilizing: mixed sports activities, awareness-raising conferences, free screening campaigns, etc. In 2022, 182 women received screening.