After act4nature international in July 2024, the quality of Eramet’s commitments to biodiversity was confirmed by the international association Business for Nature as part of its “It’s Now for Nature” campaign. Frédérique Desmoulins, Head of Water and Biodiversity at Eramet, tells us more about this recognition.
Eramet was recently evaluated by Business for Nature as part of the “It’s Now for Nature” campaign. Can you explain the motivations behind this approach?
Frédérique Desmoulins: Business for Nature is an international coalition that brings together companies and nature conservation organizations, such as the UN World Conservation Monitoring Centre, the Science Based Targets Network, the University of Cambridge, and NGOs like WWF, Birdlife International, IUCN…
The goal of the “It’s Now for Nature” campaign is to promote credible leadership in nature conservation. Submitting our commitments to this evaluation was an opportunity for a new independent external review and allowed us to showcase and recognize the transformative nature of our biodiversity strategy.
What criteria does Business for Nature use to evaluate companies’ commitments?
F.D.: Their method is particularly demanding. They expect companies to demonstrate a structured approach at four levels.
First, a thorough assessment of our impacts and dependencies on nature, involving a materiality analysis that allows us to prioritize our actions and precisely identify the risks and opportunities related to biodiversity.
Second, the definition of ambitious and measurable objectives. It is not just about reducing our negative impacts but also increasing our positive contributions to nature.
Third, the implementation of concrete actions to transform our operations, with regular publication of progress and results.
Finally, they ensure the commitment of top-level management. Biodiversity conservation should not be considered a secondary project but must be strategically integrated by the company’s management.
How does Eramet implement these commitments on the ground?
F.D.: Our actions are part of a three-year plan that primarily targets mining activities where our main challenges are concentrated. They are based on the ERC (Avoid, Reduce, Compensate) approach:
- Establish and document avoidance zones, including high seas areas, World Heritage sites, UNESCO biosphere reserves, and IUCN I-III protected and classified areas;
- Optimize and control cleared areas;
- Gradually rehabilitate mining areas;
- Develop and implement biodiversity compensation programs.
Together with our mining sites and the two biodiversity-dedicated personnel per site, we are also working on upgrading biodiversity strategies and monitoring tools. The goal is to align with the IRMA standard and IFC Performance Standard No. 6, which is internationally recognized for biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation. This involves major actions, including:
- Systematically involving stakeholders and local communities in the development of our studies and action plans;
- Qualifying habitats and assessing the presence of critical habitats with the support of local and international experts;
- Identifying and mapping ecosystem services to ensure their protection;
- Quantifying biodiversity losses and gains (calculation method adapted to each site) and demonstrating a net gain in biodiversity;
- Communicating the results of our actions.
We are also developing tools and research and innovation programs (detection, monitoring, restoration, agroecology…) to improve our expertise and practices in mining with the support of our Lékédi Biodiversity Foundation.
We also meet through an internal working group every two to three months to share our experiences, challenges, expectations, and international news.
The ambition is strong; it is a collective effort that mobilizes, beyond the biodiversity teams, our colleagues from the Planning and Mining Operations, Societal, Legal and Public Affairs, IT, and Innovation teams. The recognition of our commitments by Business for Nature confirms that we are on the right track!