Gender equality is a long-term commitment for the Eramet group. Women now account for 19,1% of the total workforce, and 27,8% of managerial staff, up on the previous year (18.6% and 26.1% respectively).

Actions are taken at Group level, but also locally, to promote our businesses to women and the provisions of the collective agreements on gender equality signed on many sites in mainland France.

In May 2018, the French Government presented a comprehensive action plan to combat sexist and sexual violence and put an end to pay inequalities between women and men. The legislative measures were adopted in the Law for the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future, promulgated on September 5, 2018.

Within this framework, a professional equality index has been set up by the Government, comprising 4 or 5 indicators, depending on whether the company has fewer or more than 250 employees, giving a score out of 100. It must be published annually.

The indicators are as follows:

  • Indicator 1: Gender pay gap,
  • Indicator 2: Difference in the distribution of individual raises,
  • Indicator 3: Variance in the distribution of promotions (only in companies with over 250 employees),
  • Indicator 4: The number of employees receiving a raise on return from maternity leave,
  • Indicator 5: Parity among the 10 highest earners.

The reference period chosen by Eramet for this monitoring is the calendar year: from January 1er to December 31 of the year preceding publication.

Index results for companies with more than 250 employees :

Index published on March 1st 2025 Maximum number of points ERAMET SA
Indicator 1: Gender pay gap 40 37
Indicator 2: Difference in the distribution of individual salary increases 20 20
Indicator 3: Promotion distribution gap 15 15
Indicator 4: number of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave 15 15
Indicator 5: Parity among the 10 highest earners 10 5
TOTAL /100 100 92


Index results for companies with fewer than 250 employees :

Index published on March 1st 2024 Maximum number of points ERAMET IDEAS
Indicator 1: Gender pay gap 40 38
Indicator 2: Difference in the distribution of individual increases linked or not to a promotion 35 35
Indicator 4: number of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave 15 15
Indicator 5: Parity among the 10 highest earners 10 5
TOTAL /100 100 93
Index published on March 1er 2025 Maximum number of points ERAMET SERVICES
Indicator 1: Gender pay gap 40 38
Indicator 2: Difference in the distribution of individual increases linked or not to a promotion 35 35
Indicator 4: number of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave 15 Incalculable *
Indicator 5: Parity among the 10 highest earners 10 0
TOTAL /100 100 86**

* There were no returns from maternity leave during the period in question for valid employees.
**When one or more indicators are not calculable, the total number of points obtained for calculable indicators is reduced to 100 by applying the proportionality rule.

Note that the index is incalculable for Comilog Dunkerque.

Index published on March 1er 2025 Maximum number of points COMILOG DUNKERQUE
Indicator 1: Gender pay gap 40 Incalculable*
Indicator 2: Difference in the distribution of individual increases linked or not to a promotion 35 35
Indicator 4: number of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave 15 Incalculable**
Indicator 5: Parity among the 10 highest earners 10 0
TOTAL /100 100 Incalculable

* valid employees represent less than 40% of the total workforce.
** No valid employees returned from maternity leave during the period in question.