For the year 2022, the Eramet group’s indexes are between 85 and 94 for companies in mainland France for which the indicator can be calculated:
- Eramet S.A: 86
- Eramet Ideas: 94 (+ 1 point)
- Eramet Marketing Services: 86 (+4 points)
- Eramet Services: 85 (- 4 points)
Women account for 18.5% of the Group’s total workforce and 25.7% of management staff.
Gender diversity as a performance driver
The Group is committed to promoting diversity and strengthening an inclusive culture, with a target of more than 30% female managers by 2023, an objective that is included in its CSR Roadmap.
Several actions are being implemented in the Group to promote the mobility and recruitment of women, such as:
- Obligation to propose at least one woman in the recruiters’ short-list.
- Setting up people reviews dedicated to the female population.
- Specific attention paid to women in succession plans by systematically seeking female profiles.
- Implementation of a specific training program: Young Female Talent and Leadership
- Adapting our international mobility policy to support women and develop international career opportunities
- Eramet is committed to developing and supporting female talent at every level of its organisation.
Within the Group, the mixed WoMen@eramet network works for greater gender diversity and promotes the professional development of the Group’s female employees.