From 2024, Group’s key performance indicators (KPIs) are presented excluding SLN, as the New Caledonian entity no longer impacts the Group’s financial and economic performance.


The Group’s adjusted turnover (excluding SLN)1 amounted to €3,4bn in 2024, down 7% (-5% at constant scope and exchange rates, with a marginal currency effect). The price effect was negative (-3%), with the decline in prices for nickel and mineral sands activities partly offset by an increase in prices for the manganese activity. The volume effect was also negative (-2%), mainly reflecting the decrease in manganese ore volumes sold.

Turnover (€)

20203 2 792m
20213 3 668m
20222,3 5 385m
20231,3 3 618m
20241 3 377m

Adjusted turnover (excluding SLN) distribution

Turnover: 3 377 M€

Manganese BU
(Ore + Alloys)

Mn ore actvity 33%
Mn alloys activity 27%
Nickel BU4 31%
Mineral sands BU 9%


Adjusted EBITDA (excluding SLN)1 amounts to €814 million, a decrease of 11% compared to 2023. The intrinsic performance is positive (+ €135 million), supported by productivity actions and mix improvement.


20203 516m
20213 1 204m
20222,3 1 897m
20231,3 910m
20241 814m


Net income, Group share

Net income, Group share (excluding SLN)1 totalled €144m, down €214m, considering the decline in EBITDA and the non-recurrence of non-cash net accounting income, linked to the exchange rate and inflation in Argentina for 2023 (c.€120m).

Net income, Group share (€)

20203 -675m
20213 298m
20223 740m
20231,3 358m
20241 144m


Net financial debt

The Group’s net debt was €1,297m on 31 December 2024, after disbursement related to the buyback of Tsingshan’s interest in the Centenario project (€663m) and dividends paid to Eramet’s shareholders (-€43m) and Comilog minority shareholders (-€39m) in respect of the 2023 financial year.

Restated for SLN’s net cash position on 31 December (€138m), the Group’s net debt was €1,435m. As a result, the adjusted leverage1 ratio was 1.8x, factoring in Eramet regaining full ownership of Centenario.

Net financial debt (€)

20203 -1 378m
20213 -936m
20223 -344m
20233 -614m
2024 -1297m


1 Adjusted turnover (excluding SLN), adjusted EBITDA (excluding SLN), Group Net Income (excluding SLN), and adjusted leverage are presented to provide a better understanding of the underlying operating performance of the Group’s activities. The definitions are presented in Appendix 10 of the 2024 Annual Results Press Release.

2 Adjusted revenue and adjusted EBITDA are presented to provide a better understanding of the underlying operational performance of the group’s activities. These two indicators include Eramet’s share of PT Weda Bay Nickel (38.7% indirect interest).  Definitions are provided in Appendix 10 of the 2023 Annual Results Press Release.

3 Excluding Aubert & Duval, Sandouville and Erasteel, which in accordance with the IFRS 5 standard, are presented as operations that are sold or in the process of being sold (discontinued) in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 ; additionally, the subsidiary Eramet Titanium & Iron (“ETI”), sold at the end of September 2023 to INEOS, is excluded from the Group’s scope as of this date.

4 Including turnover from the sale of SLN’s ferronickel, which is booked under “Eramet S.A.” and is now presented in “holding”.