Facts and figures

Responsible and transparent approach

Dialogue with civil society

Contributions to the country’s economy

Misconceptions about PT Weda Bay Nickel

Contribution 2023 - Indonesia (infographic)

Contributing to the energy transition

To meet the ever-increasing demand for metals, and to successfully complete the essential energy and ecological transition, the world needs metals from a responsible mining industry. The huge mineral resources of the Weda Bay mine in Indonesia represent a major lever for the energy transition.

Socio-economic contribution

In Indonesia, the PT Weda Bay Nickel joint venture operates a nickel mine whose ore is used to produce stainless steel for electric car batteries. The company has financed several ambulances and road, education and health infrastructure, benefiting 25,000 people. These actions were made possible by community investments exceeding €1 million.

PT Weda Bay Nickel paid €217 million in taxes and dividends, and made €266 million in purchases and subcontracting. Payroll costs amounted to €12 million. Weda Bay Nickel‘s activities generate 14,000 direct jobs.

In total, Eramet’s local economic impact in Indonesia amounts to almost €500 million[1] .

[1] These figures are given in proportion to Eramet’s indirect interest in PT Weda Bay Nickel (38.7%).

CSR initiatives: Beyond program in Indonesia

Convinced that economic diversification is a source of balance and local economic development, Eramet has decided to deploy a program dedicated to supporting employment and business creation outside our core activities. The Eramet Beyond For Contributive Impacts program thus complements the contribution to direct and indirect local employment generated by our activities, in an intentional and additional dimension.

Part of the roadmap Act For Positive Mining roadmap, Eramet Beyond for Contributive Impacts aims to create a new contributive dynamic in terms of economic, social and human development, and thus generate more jobs.

Eramet Beyond is a lever for local communities and regions to accelerate the development of local economic fabrics and contribute to the reduction of inequalities and environmental resilience.

Using a measurable impact methodology and rigorous reporting, Eramet Beyond works with local actors and expert partners to create projects with long-term impact.

This program complements the Group’s community investment initiatives in the various countries where it operates, particularly in infrastructure.

In Indonesia, the Eramet Beyond program has decided:

  • to support 42 Indonesian students to enable them to access quality academic education to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Indonesian universities, with an endowment of 114,000 euros in 2024.