A positive and lasting social impact

A firm believer that economic diversification is a source of stability and local economic development, Eramet has launched a program dedicated to supporting employment opportunities that extend beyond our core activities. The Eramet Beyond for Contributive Impacts programme is designed to supplement the direct and indirect local employment already created by our activities.

As an integral part of the Act For Positive Mining roadmap, Eramet Beyond for Contributive Impacts aims to create a new dynamic that will contribute to economic, social and human development and generate more jobs.

Eramet Beyond is a powerful tool that helps local communities and regions to boost their economic development, reduce inequalities and build environmental resilience.

Eramet Beyond (logo)

Based on measurable impact methods and rigorous reporting, Eramet Beyond works with local stakeholders and expert partners to create projects with long-term impact.

This programme is designed to supplement the Group’s existing community investment initiatives in the countries where it operates, particularly in relation to infrastructure.

Objective 1

Acting as a catalyst to boost economic development beyond mining, through support for training and access to funding and markets.

Objective 2

Supporting educational and study grants, promoting female empowerment and combating violence against women.

Objective 3

Supporting agroforestry and sustainable agriculture programmes (choice of crops, water and input use, etc.) to generate revenue.

Marie-Axelle Gautier
Director of Social Impact and Human Rights

Eramet Beyond is a powerful tool that enables local communities and regions boost economic diversification and local development, while helping to reduce inequalities and build environmental resilience.

Key figures concerning the programme’s objectives between now and 2026

jobs created and sustained over the long term
(in addition to Group activities)

young people helped and supported to obtain training leading to a secondary qualification or higher,
50% of whom will be from local communities
and 50% of whom will be girls

Our projects

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Femmes d’Avenir
(Women of the future)

Enabling 380 Gabonese women entrepreneurs to benefit from support in running their businesses, including training, mentoring and access to funding.

“Femmes d’Avenir”, launched by Eramet and Women In Africa, is a programme intended to support economic and social development and encourage female entrepreneurship on the African continent. In 2022, its initial year of operation, in Gabon, the programme helped 26 women entrepreneurs to develop their skills and networks.

→ Find out more about Women in Africa

→ Read the Femmes d’Avenir press release

→ Read the press release concerning the launch of Femmes d’Avenir in Senegal

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Lire pour l’Avenir
(Reading for the Future)

Providing “off-line” access to enhanced educational content for secondary school pupils in 5 isolated communities located along the Transgabonais railway line to strengthen educational continuity.

Eramet has teamed up with the NGO Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (Libraries Without Borders) and Gabon’s Ministry of Education to provide 6,500 secondary school pupils with access to digital libraries and educational content in communities along the railway line operated by Setrag. The project also includes the distribution of 4,000 memory cards for future secondary school graduates, which can be inserted into smartphones to access content and help with revision, even in the absence of an internet connection.

→ Find out more about Bibliothèques sans Frontières

→ Find out more about Lire pour l’Avenir

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Terre d’Ako
(Land of Ako)

Providing 80 farms from villages located near Akonolinga with access to a central purchasing centre and training in order to develop the growing of plantains.

Through the Terre d’Ako project, Eramet and its partner ClassM will provide support to plantain growers from villages near Akonolinga, an area in Cameroon where Eramet has been conducting mining exploration operations for several years. The aim of the project, which has been co-constructed with the local communities, is to develop a central purchasing centre for bananas, while providing technical assistance to growers with a view to improving yields, as well as to organising the collection, storage and distribution of their produce.

→ Find out more about ClassM

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Triple Impact

Encouraging the creation, professionalisation and growth of micro-businesses that have a threefold impact (environmental, social and financial) by supporting students and entrepreneurs in the province of Salta.

In cooperation with the Por Nuestros Niños foundation, Eramine supports micro-enterprise development programmes in the Salta region of Argentina, where Eramine is headquartered, as well as and in communities located along the roads leading to our Centenario site. By 2023, these education and training programmes in the areas of marketing, sales and administration had benefited 323 students and 66 entrepreneurs, thereby generating a fertile network of businesses with the potential to work together and bolster the region’s economy.

→ Find out more about the Por Nuestros Ninos Foundation (in Spanish only)

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Seed capital

Supporting the development of small and micro-enterprises in the 5 provinces crossed by the Transgabonais railroad through the provision of access to microfinance in partnership with 5 microfinance providers: EDG, SFE, Finam, Cofina, SODEC.

Le Fonds d’amorçage, fruit d’un partenariat entre Comilog, l’Etat Gabonais et des établissements de micro-finance, vise à développer l’entrepreneuriat en facilitant l’accès au financement des Entreprises Individuelles (EI) et des Très Petites Entreprises (TPE) situées dans 5 provinces traversées par le Transgabonais. Depuis la mise en place de ce fonds en septembre en 2022, ce sont plus de 144 projets qui ont été financés soit plus 208 emplois créés.

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Entrepreneurship training

Supporting the development of small and micro- businesses in Ndjolé, Booué, Lastourville and Owendo by enhancing the resources of associations and providing access to microfinance.

In collaboration with a partner specialised in entrepreneurship training and revenue-generating activities, Setrag offers training courses for associations and cooperatives being set up in Ndjolé, Booué, Lastourville and Franceville. These courses cover the formalities involved in setting up or registering an association, the roles of board members, accounting, as well as financial and customer management. The programme is conducted on a yearly basis and is set to run over a three-year period. Between October and December 2023, 128 people were trained and 78 jobs were supported, 72% of them held by women.

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Femmes d’Avenir
(Women of the future)

Providing 615 female entrepreneurs with “soft skills” training and, in the case of more experienced entrepreneurs, with support in managing their businesses.

“Femmes d’Avenir”, launched by Eramet and Women In Africa, is a programme intended to support economic and social development and encourage female entrepreneurship on the African continent. In Senegal, the programme will give 615 women the opportunity to benefit from two mentoring programmes over a period of 3 years:

Jeunes pousses (Start-ups): 200 women each received 208 hours of comprehensive soft skills training

Experienced female entrepreneurs, bespoke support over a period of one year for 5 high-potential female entrepreneurs.

→ Find out more about Women in Africa

→ Read the Femmes d’Avenir press release

→ Read the press release on the launch of Femmes d’Avenir in Senegal

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Femmes d’Avenir
(Women of the future)

Providing 1200 women entrepreneurs in the province of Salta with training that will enable them to enhance their skills and boost their business revenues.

Following its launch in Gabon in 2022 and in Senegal in 2023, the Femmes d’Avenir programme is expanding to Argentina in 2024. Pro Mujer, a leading organisation in the field of women’s entrepreneurship in Latin America, will be partnering with Eramet to support women with the formalities of starting up their own business. Over a period of 3 years, 1,200 women in the province of Salta will undergo a 6-week hybrid training course to develop and strengthen their personal and entrepreneurial skills.

→ Find out more about Pro Mujer

→ Read the Femmes d’Avenir press release

Femmes d'Avenir - Gabon


Kitong Bisa logo

Beyond scholarships

Support 42 Indonesian students in their higher education by awarding two-year scholarships covering tuition, living expenses and books. Mentoring is also offered to each scholarship recipient, to provide them with the best possible conditions to succeed in their studies.

The scholarship program, launched in November 2024 in partnership with the Kitong Bisa Foundation, enables 42 Indonesian students from the provinces of North Molucca, Papua and Sulawesi to obtain financial support for their higher education. The scholarship enables them to pursue their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral studies at Indonesian universities, covering their basic needs. They also receive mentoring to help them learn English, IT, financial management, communication and soft skills such as leadership. Of the 42 students, 24 are women. 23 are studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and 19 are studying Social Sciences.